24 ducks on the pond which included red crested pochard and Carolina ducks. Various species of Speedwells were looked at which included Round-Leaved Speedwell (Veronica filiformis), Thyme-Leaved Speedwell (Veronica serpyllifolia) and Grey Speedwell (Veronica polita). Martin Gregory. Friday Woods 17th May, 1981. Few localities other than nature reserves in Essex offer the diversity of habitats and the consequent wealth of species that can be found at Friday Woods near Colchester. About thirty members enjoyed a showery day there and saw or heard a total of 41 different species of birds. Outstanding were the Nightingales and warblers. At least 8 different nightingales were heard singing, and over a dozen common Whitethroats. These species, together with garden and willow warblers, yellow hammers, gold finches and a lesser Whitethroat, were found mainly in the areas of gorse and haw- thorn scrubland - the most extensive habitat. There are also areas of very old mixed deciduous woodland punctuated with plantations of scots pine very rich in bird life and flowers. The Roman River runs along the bottom of the area and on one side is bordered by damp woodland and on the other by lush water meadows - a rare habitat. Green and greater spotted wood- peckers, mistle thrushes, blackcaps and chiff-chaffs were all found in these areas. Interesting plants of the day included the Lesser Dandelion Yellow Archangel, Yellow Pimpernel, Gipsywort and Bugle. The only mammal sighting was a grey squirrel though mole hills and rabbit droppings were found. Ian Misselbrook. Mill Green Common and Highwood 14th June, 1981, followed by the Annual General Meeting of the Bird Group. An extremely hot day was spent in the Mill Green woods/ Highwood complex by thirty members. Of the summer migrants, tree pipits were much in evidence, and good views were obtained of a bird feeding a nearby brood. The song and parachute dis- play flight were also heard and seen. Willow warblers were naturally very numerous with black caps coming a close second. No convincing garden warbler song was heard although several