3 3 To all Club Members from the Treasurer. With much regret the council has decided that the sub- scription rate must go up to cover the ever increasing cost of postage, hire of halls and printing to name just a few expenditures. To give one example, the cost of sending the Naturalist to all members was 36p each, over £110 in total. With effect from January 1st, 1982, the new subscriptions will be as follows:- Individual members £5 per annum Library Membership £6 per annum Student Membership under 18 years £2 per annum. This includes all publications. Family Membership £6 per annum which includes one set of publications per family. Would all members paying by Bankers Order please contact their bank and change the amount to the new values as shown above. Members who would like to pay by bankers order should fill in the bankers order form in this bulletin and send it to:- Mr. M.T. Parker, The Membership Secretary, 14, Ridgeway, Ingatestone, Essex. CM4 9AS BANKERS ORDER FORM. To.......................................Bank Limited .......................................Branch Please pay to the account of the Essex Field Club at Lloyds Bank Limited, 409, Stratford High Street, London, E.15., the sum of £.......... on January 1st of each year commencing January 19..... and until further notice and debit my account accordingly. Signed............................... Date............................... Address............................... Bank Account Number.....................