7 BADGERS! - HELP WANTED DO YOU KNOW ANY BADGER SETTS IN YOUR AREA? IF SO, ARE THEY IN REGULAR USE OR HAVE THEY BEEN DESERTED FOR THE LAST FEW YEARS? Some recent reports suggest that, in parts of the county, badgers are becoming very scarce, whilst in other areas they appear to be holding their own. The E.F.C. Mammal Group is planning to conduct a survey which we hope will help to clarify the situation and possibly indicate some of the causes of declining badger populations in certain areas. In view of the limited resources available, recording effort must be focused on a number of chosen areas across the county. WE NEED MORE HELPERS! CAN YOU HELP? More helpers will mean that additional areas can be included in the survey, thereby increasing its value.' YOUR HELP WOULD BE MUCH APPRECIATED If you know of any badgers or badger setts in your area or would be willing to visit a sett on a regular basis several times a year and report your findings, please contact:- Peter Leswell 19 Church Road, Mountnessing, Brentwood, Essex. CM15 CTH Telephone Ingatestone 3917.