19 PARAKEETS IN LOUGHTON When I retired in August, 1974, and began to spend much time in my garden in Spareleaze Hill Loughton, I was puzzled by a large bird which occasionally flew swiftly across the garden just below tree top height uttering a shrill squawk. It was always silhouetted between me and the light and I could get no idea of its colour. It had a long tail and I thought it might be a hen kestrel. On one occasion three flew over together. During the summer of 1975 the same thing happened and at last I was able to see a bird clearly, and it was a green parakeet. From them until Christmas I saw the birds frequently up to four at a time. I did not see them again until late February when I saw two and them I wrote to a local newspaper asking for information about them and a gentleman telephoned me in response (13/3/1976). He said that he was a gardener employed on the Debden Housing Estate, and had seen the birds ever since he took up his job two years before. He understood that they had escaped from an aviary in Sunset Avenue, Woodford and bird fanciers on the estate put grain out for them. A pair had nested in a tree on the estate the previous summer (1975) and he had watched them feeding their nestlings. A lady also phoned and said she had seen them taking nuts put out for tits in a garden in Alderton Hill. Throughout that year (1976) I saw them regularly 3. 4, or 5 at a time, and one Sunday in late summer a gloriously warm evening wo flocks converged and settled in the now of poplar trees behind my garden. When they dispersed I counted nineteen fly away, while there were still one or two left chattering in the trees. One, two or even three birds could be seen right up to the end of the year, but the only other sighting I made before the next summer was two birds seen in February (1977). In late July I occasionally heard them, but only actually