24 migrant. E.F.C. Meeting 28th March CHIFF CHAFF - Heard in full song Fryerning Woods. M.T.P. APRIL 198l By the end of April most of the migrants have arrived. It is during this month when their songs can be heard - and identification becomes easier as there are no leaves on the trees. 3rd April WILLOW WARBLER and CHIFF CHAFFS at Mill Green Woods in full song. M.T.P. 12th April SAND MARTIN, HOUSE MARTINS and SWALLOW all seen at Walton-on-Naze during the Field Club Meeting. 5th April A large flock of BRAMBLINGS were seen at Walton Hall Farm. Walton-on-Naze. M.T.P. 10th April COMMON TERN - seen at Old Hall Marshes. M.T.P. l8th April COMMON WHITETHROAT - seen and heard in Thorndon Park. M.T.P. 19th April RING OUZEL Bacons Farm - Mountnessing. A single bird was seen in a ploughed field amongst STARLING and other BLACKBIRDS. Ring Ouzels are not often seen so far inland in Essex. They are however frequently recorded from the coast at such locations as Walton-on-Naze. M.T.P. MAY 1981 NIGHTINGALES are by May in full song. In the area Black- more/Mill Green/High Wood only one bird was recorded in 198l. In 1975 there were at least 10 singing; whereas in the 1930's considerably more were heard in this area. The following NIGHTINGALE records have been received for 198l: 3rd May Woodham Walter Common TL 591071 G Nivitt Ulting TL 8060383