27 A PASSAGE OF BIRDS! Insert the names of birds to complete this passage. Although the spelling may not be correct, the birds provide the correct sounds for filling the spaces. No name may be used morethan once. Jenny and l)____ were off to a farewell party at John's. Tomorrow Jenny was joining the 2)_____s. When they arrived the garden was decorated with 3)____ and John was cooking at the barbeque. "Here you are" he said, handing Jenny a 4)____ with a piece of 5)_____ on it. "It is done to a 6)____." She went to 7)____ meat into the sauce, "This is delicious" she said when she had 8)____ into it. She hardly had time to 9)____ it when 10)____ came up and asked her to do the 11)____ Trot. He 12)_________while they danced, "I thought you would be 13)____ing about in your uniform and 14)____." "I am sure I'll feel a 15)____ when I wear it" Jenny said. "You look 16)_____," John said, as he came 17)____ up the path. "The car ran out of l8)____ and I had to walk" he 19)_____ed. He went 20)____ly to the barbeque. "He is such a 21)____" Jenny said "I think his only 22)____ is eating." "Your steak is 23) " John called. While 24)____ her steak John drank 25) s of 26)____ larger and asked Jenny if she was looking forward to tomorrow. "The thought of a 27)____ sea makes me 28) " he said. "I wonder if you will learn to tie 29)____s, it would be a bit of a 30)____ if you do. Ah well back to another 31)___ at the barbeque, will you hand me that 34)______?" "You know you will have to learn to be a 33)____," someone told Jenny. "No she won't" said John "you're having 34)____!" "It is time I was going" Jenny told John "I don't want Aunt 35)_____ing up and wondering where I am." 36)"____s Ladies and Gentlemen"called John banging on the table with a 37)____" A toast to Jenny. May she take to her new career like "a 38)____ to water and let us hope that the Officers don't 39)____ too much! Judith Boniface Answers on page 3 6