32 Hopefully the E.F.C. will still be alive and well in 2071 and keen enough to make the comparison once more. Ken Adams. FUNGUS FORAY About 25 of us assembled at Eve's Corner, Danbury, on Sunday 13th September 1981. We split into 2 groups. One group went to Twitty Fee on the borders of Danbury, Little Baddow and Woodham Walter. They searched for fungi between the Lane and Poor's Piece. The other group parked at Pheasant House Farm, Little Baddow, and searched for fungi in the north half of Woodham Walter Common; returning to the farm to have our lunch sitting on the grass in an adjacent meadow, watching the free range chickens. After a short search for fungi in the afternoon we all assembled at St. Andrew's, a church hall and chapel, which was formally the village school. We then laid out the fungi that we had collected, identified them and had a cup of tea. The ones we wanted confirmed or could not identify were sent to Kew Gardens. The following were found in the North half of Woodham Walter Common: Phallus impudicus Paxillus involutus Piptoporus betulinus Fistulina hepatica Amanita rubescens Scleroderma citrina Daedaleopsis confragosa Collybia fusipes Amanita fulva Laccaria laccata Collybia maculata Daldinia concentrica ** The following were found at Twitty Fee, between the Lane and Poor's Piece: