33 Boletus badius Gymnopilus junonius Stereum hirsutum Russula nigricans Xylophaera hypoxylon Boletus chrysenteron Daedalea quercina Leccinum carpini Crepidotus variabilis Lactarius turpis Lactarius piperatus ** Russula emetica ** Lactarius v llereus ** Cordyceps canadensis ** Fuligo septica (a myxomycete) The following may have been found in either of the 2 places searched: Russula ochroleuca ** Russula atropurpurea ** Russula betularum ** Psathyrella hydrophila ** **Indicates identified or verified at Kew Gardens. Cordyceps canadensis was an interesting find. According to Roger Phillips it is uncommon and parasitic on species of subterranean fungus, belonging to the genus Elaphomyces. The very long asci, the organs which contain the spores in this group of fungi, could clearly be seen when a bit of the outer layer of the fruiting body was removed. The subterranean host was not collected. Martin Gregory. MANNINGTREE AND RIVER STOUR. 20th SEPTEMBER 198l. The last meeting held here was on 28th October 1979 and both visits were characterised by chill weather and little sunshine. Twenty three members arrived on time at the Station and set off for the river Stour. On the way - Robins; a Wren and a solitary Linnet were either heard or seen. Robins at this time of year are in full Autumn song. There were many House Martins and Swallows flying low over the fields, and in one place a considerable number were seen gathering on a low wire fence. Lunch was taken in view of Flatford Mill, in the shelter of the Sluice Gates. Up until lunchtime no Waders had been seen. During the afternoon four Redshanks, a number of