1 EDITORIAL Your bulletin has been produced later this year so that the new programme card and the notice of nominations that must be sent out before the A.G.M. can be posted together. I would like to take this opportunity of thanking Peggy King and Laura Dark for their work as Meetings Secretary and General Secretary respectively and of welcoming Pam Jermyn and Chris Shennan who have replaced them. I would also like to thank Joanna Foley for another excellent cover, and for designing four posters which made up the major exhibit at the club's display at the Centenary celebration of Queen Victoria's visit to Epping Forest. I have included reproductions of them in the middle of this bulletin, which only show some of the quality of the original full size posters. The help given by my wife, Judith, and by John Tollfree and David Scott and his rife was much appreciated. Thanks again to Nancy Bath for the nightjar illustrations, and to Sheila Leswell for typing this edition. May I remind you that subscriptions each year are due on January 1st. Please avoid the necessity of a reminder by sending your cheque to Mike Parker early. I hope to meet you all at our meetings next year, and please keep your pens busy and send me more articles by 1st May, 1983. Tony Boniface Information from General Secretary C.D. Shennan, 191 Crescent Road, Brentwood, Essex. Brentwood 222722