19 GREETINGS FROM GLASTONBURY - AN APPRECIATION May I crave space in the next Bulletin to record my appreciation of the Essex Field Club? I have been thumbing through my diaries and E.F.C. Programme cards and along with records I have kept I have been able to analyse just how much benefit I have received through being a member. Up to the time of moving to Glastonbury the Programme Cards list about 272 functions and I have attended 146 of these - about 54%. If you deduct the 30 odd meetings I could not have attended anyway during two long bouts of sickness - nearly six months 1976/1977 with a shoulder injury and three months in 1980 with an abdominal operation, the percentage rises to nearly 60%. Whatever else these figures may indicate let them be recorded as a measure of my appreciation of the dedicated work of the Officers and Council of the Club and a whole host of the many friends I have made throughout my membership. My thanks to them all for their companionship and for sharing their knowledge with me and for so patiently trying to answer my many questions on so many subjects. My wife and I moved to Glastonbury just over a year ago and we are very happy here. It is an historic place and a tourist's Mecca. I have already met three former colleagues from my London office and in June I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Tildesley and his family holidaying in the West Country before returning to his duties at the Passmore Edwards Museum - our official headquarters. It was nice meeting them and if any member of The Essex Field Club should emulate their example I do hope they will note my address and call in. The house is 80 yards S.E. of The Rural Life Museum which is situated on the A 361 at the junction of Bere Lane and Chilkwell Street. I am sure the Tildesleys would recommend a visit to the Town.