23 out before the problem is solved. In amongst the Hydrobia ulvae small white triangular shaped bivalves were found which on identification turned out to be Abra tenuis. Along the bottom edge of the seawall rocks Littorina littorea L. was very numerous, several colour forms being found including red, yellow, brown and the even commoner black form. Higher up the sea- wall we found Littorina saxatilis, the rough winkle distinguished from the edible periwinkle in the lip of the mouth joining the first whorl of the shell at right angles and the lip being an even colouration. The edible periwinkle on the other hand has the lip joining the shell tangentially and there are chocolate brown stripes, like a fence, inside the mouth. Under some of the rocks small crabs, Carcinus maenasL., chitons, Lepido-chitona cinereus, and the grey top shell Gibbula cineraria were found hiding. A few Slipper Limpets, Crepidula fornicata, a single large necklace shell, Natica catena,and some valves of Cerastoderma lamarcki identified later on were found dead amongst the rocks. The party then walked back across the sand and mud flats covered in the mounds of sand formed by the rag worm, Nereis diversicolor, to a small piece of salt marsh near where the cars were parked. Signs of some very large animals could be seen in the salt pans so we decided to dig one out. What came out quite shocked some members of the group and certainly surprised most of us. The lug worm, Arenicola, is usually some 6"-l' long and some 1/2" wide but this animal was some 2-2'6" long and an 1" wide at the head end. It was a dark olive green in colour and pushed out immense jaws on an invertable proboscis from its head, which left everyone in no doubt that if it got near enough to attack it would certainly inflict a never forgotten wound. We returned it to its muddy world in the salt pan after most of the group had seen it. In some of the heavier mud the dead valves of the borer, Barnea candida L., were found and on some of the softer mud some Limaponta depressa, a small black sea slug, were crawling. Amongst