31 OLD RAILWAY TRACK. EASTON LODGE HALT - GREAT DUNMOW 20th JUNE,1982 Twenty members met on a fine Sunday, after two days of very heavy showers, at Easton Lodge Halt, on the former Bishops' Stortford - Braintree railway line, and walked to the outskirts of Great Dunmow, where the track becomes the by-pass. A full account of this walk was published in the Essex Field Club Bulletin, Autumn 1981. The track way supports a great number of species, as in its 11/2 miles it has a variety of habitat from very dry to very wet. We were pleased that the Fyfield Pea (Lathyrus tuberosus) had produced its first flowers for us. The Common Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza fuchsii) was very fine and abundant and we found 3 spikes of Bee Orchid (Ophrys apifera) as well as some splended Twayblade (Listera ovata). The bird- listeners heard a number of warblers. After lunch the party went through adjoining woodland, Oak Spring, Ash Grove and Olives Wood. The Great Horsetail (Equisetum telemateia) was very plentiful, but otherwise nothing of note was found, as like most woods the canopy reduced the undergrowth. Pam Jermyn EAST TILBURY, 4th JULY, 1982 This was a new venue for the Bird Group and showed that it is deserving of a future visit at a more suitable time of the year. Seventeen members gathered at the Coalhouse Fort car park near the Victorian Fort, built in 1869 hy General Gordon of Khartoum. It was dull, dry but very little sunshine. It was almost high tide.