1 EDITORIAL Again your Bulletin has been produced later and from now on you can expect to receive it in June and December, which enables us to send out the programme card, and the notice of nominations prior to the next A.G.M. with the Autumn Bulletin. Once again I have to announce a change of General Secretary. Chris Shennan is moving to Cheshire with Ilford's. During his short time with the Club Chris has led several bird meetings and played an active part in running the Club. I would like to thank him for his help. It is with pleasure that we welcome Sheila Leswell who has accepted the job of General Secretary to replace him. In this issue I am pleased to publish articles from no less than five of our recorders. My thanks to them and to all the contributors; also to Joanna Foley for another fine cover and the spider illustration, and to Sheila Leswell for typing this edition. Please let me have articles for the next edition by 1st October, 1983. Tony Boniface Information from General Secretary Mrs. Sheila Leswell 19 Church Road, Mountnessing, Brentwood, Essex, CM15 0TH. Telephone: Ingatestone 353917