21 effectively hidden in the habitat. However, such studies are now affected by the new Wildlife and the Countryside Act. The part dealing with shrews became effective from 28.9.1982, and it seems reasonable that persons using any traps (including the Longworth) that may catch shrews, especially if they are unable to take "all reasonable precautions" to prevent injury to shrews", should first apply for a licence (from the Nature Conservancy Council, London). It is hoped that a booklet explaining how the new legislation affects other mammals will be available during 1983. Bats are also protected under this new Act. Generally they are fairly easy to locate, but in flight are extremely difficult to identify So if you know of a roost or where they are flying, let us know and, under licence, we can help you identify them. In the months to come we hope to include in the Bulletin a series of brief articles on techniques in studying local mammals in the field. Meanwhile,