22 some help is always available from myself or other members of the Mammal Group, who can recommend useful field books or assist directly in the location and identification of mammals, their remains or signs. So, please do pass on any information about mammals in your area, so that we can more effectively evaluate the success of mammals in Essex. Fiona A. Hughes Bat Notes In the Autumn 1981 (No. 24) edition of the Essex Field Club Bulletin, I wrote a few notes outlining a bat survey that I had just started. At the time of writing (July 18th, 1981) Pipistrelle, Serotine and Daubentons bats had all been found and a total of five 10 km. square records made. This compared with 28 10 km. square records during the previous twenty years. Since then several events have happened. From September 28th, 1982, all bats are now protected under the Wildlife and the Countryside Act. It is illegal for anyone to:- i) kill a bat ii) possess a bat (either alive or dead) iii) disturb a bat when roosting iv) sell or offer for sale any bat (either alive or dead) v) photograph a bat. It is now an offence to damage, destroy or obstruct access to any place that a bat uses for shelter or protection, or to disturb a bat while it is