24 to have their bats. Anybody in this category who can supply details or who would be able to make counts during this summer should get in touch with John Dobson on Danbury 4408. John Dobson Ornithological Records for 1982 The following records have been received, and are from Meetings held up to November 1982. January 5.1.82- Waxwings. Pair in A. Gudgion 30.1.82 garden, Harlow TL 442085. February 5.2.82 Songthrushes and Black- M. T. Parker birds in full song. Ingatestone. 27.2.82 Chaffinches in full M. T. Parker song. Ingatestone March 21.3.82 Golden Eye, Grey Plover, E.F.C. Meeting Hen Harrier, Short Eared Owl, Red Throated Diver, Eider. Old Hall Marshes. 25.3.82 Chiffchaff. Great D. Scott Leighs. also Epping Forest Mrs. Buchan near Suntrap Field Centre.