30 The contrast with the grassy avenues, scrubland, the reed-lined Fleet and the signs of wildlife is a sharp one. It is a contrast which helps to bring into focus the considerable value of this country park. Deborah Gibbs Book Reviews How Birds Work. Ron Freethy. Blandford Press A Guide to Bird Biology £8.95. This book provides an informative and interesting account of many aspects of ornithology ranging from bird evolution and classification, through their anatomy and physiology to their behaviour. Nevertheless, this book is not a dry, academic textbook, and provided me with an enjoyable reading session, as well as a lasting source of facts. The Marshland World. Ron Wilson and Pat Lee Blandford Press £8.95 This book begins with a short account of man's relationships with marshland including thatching, eel-catching and wild-fowling. It then becomes rather a catalogue of the plants and animals associated with this habitat. It is intended for the naturalist but gives no help in ident- ification for beginners, and little extra information for the more well-informed. However, there are some good photographs and it provides a pleasant reminiscence of days spent in the country- side to read on a winter's evening. Tony Boniface