32 REPORTS OF MEETINGS Epping Forest and the Lea Valley, 24th April, 1982 Eight of us went to the top of Pole Hill, Chingford, where there was a good view across the Thames Valley We stood on the 0 meridian, looked across to Greenwich, then, moving west- wards, towards St. Paul's, the Post Office Tower and some of the Lea Valley reservoirs. We walked along the forest ridge to Yardley Hill noticing the old man's beard and ash trees on the boulder clay and comparing the new growth on the south of the hill with the high hawthorn thicket to the north. Then up Gilwell Lane on to footpaths across the golf course. There, over 300' above sea level there were views over the Thames, Lea and Roding Valleys (on a really clear day you can see Brentwood - we couldn't). There were many holes in the ground along the highest path, where furry, ginger mining bees (Andrena specie ?) were busy. Lunch stop was "The Owl", and the journey back took us via Woodman's Glade to compare the experimental pollarding of twenty years ago with the high forest of old, neglected pollards. Finally, to Chingford Plain, which could today be covered with railway and housing had it not been for the 1878 Epping Forest Act. Irene Buchan Old Hall Marshes, Tollesbury, 27th February, 1983 A fine sunny morning saw 22 Members at the meeting place near to Old Hall Marshes. It was during this short wait for Members to arrive that a lesser spotted woodpecker and also a great tit in full song were heard.