33 The party gathered on the sea wall, and were immediately rewarded with excellent views of Brent Geese - near enough to be able to distinguish young and older birds. A considerable number of Curlew were also seen in the fields. One party walked around towards Salcot, and in spite of inclement weather, ending in rain, were rewarded for their efforts by excellent views of Great Northern Diver, Red Throated Diver, Gadwall, Golden Eye 60+, Red Breasted Merganser, Hen Harrier, Grey Plover, Pintail. 1 dead Razorbill and 1 dead Guillemot were seen. This was an excellent day for those not familiar with these interesting estuary birds. A total of 34 birds had been seen or heard at the end of the day. By the time members arrived back at the cars it was raining quite hard and a few of us got wet, but it was a well worthwhile meeting. An area we shall continue to visit each year. M. T. Parker Bradwell-on-Sea Meeting, 27th March, 1983 Only 11 members braved an extremely cold and wet Sunday on 27th March for the second Ornithology Group Field meeting of the year. Last year at this venue we were treated to views of the comparatively scarce Shore-lark. This year we were rewarded by views, albeit brief and tantalizing, of a rather shy Firecrest, feeding in the scrubby area by St. Peter's Chapel. At the start of singing bravely our walk a Corn Bunting was at the hostile elements. This