37 Natural History of Muntjac Deer, Mr. Bob Hider on Essex Coastal Birds and Mr. M. Henry on Continental Birds. The Botany Group organised 9 meetings, a notable one being the barge trip along the Chelmer and Blackwater Canal. The Bird Group organised 9 meetings and the Mammal Group 6 meetings. One of these was the first bat netting meeting to be held by the Club. The Geology Group organised a single meeting and hopefully more will be held when new leaders come forward. The other meetings included the fungus foray which was held in the Danbury area this year. The Essex Naturalist Number 6 in the new series was published. It was "The Smaller Moths of Essex", by Col. A. M. Emmet, edited by David Corke. Two more issues of the Essex Field Club Bulletin were published, edited by Mr. A. Boniface. The Council would like to thank all those people who have helped to run the Club in any way. Report of Council 1982 The Council met five times in 1982. During the year Mrs. L. Dark resigned as General Secretary and Mrs. P. King resigned as Meetings Secretary