7 a boyhood interest in entomology was re-awakened and he and his wife will be going with us to the annual exhibition of the Amateur Entomologists' Society. He too found he had a generator we could use in a wood. The light-trap must be supplemented by field work, for some moths fly by day and others are not attracted by light. This applies to many of the pugs which are easy to find in the larval stage; the pimpinel pug is a good example. With so much help and encouragement from new friends, recording has been a delightful pastime. As senior citizens, we have probably been able to devote more time than the other recorders, but when you receive your Essex Naturalist it will be the joint product of a small band of enthusiasts. Its publication will mark only a stage in the recording of the ever-changing lepidoptera of the the County. I have tried to show what fun you will have if you decide to make records for the next edition. Maitland Emmet The Fall and Rise of the Speckled Wood Butterfly in Essex Sadly, Essex has lost several fine butterfly species since World War II, but it is some consolation to know that it has gained or, strictly re-gained one - the speckled wood (Pararge aegeria Linn.). According to the Victoria County History of Essex, the speckled wood, which had once been well