11 the animal does not have the sleek appearance of summer. The caudal patch is also not so clearly defined, though it still shows up well. Red deer males or stags carry antlers for most of the year and they are based on a single stem (beam) which is rounded and has branches (tines) protruding from it. There can be considerable variation in the size and shape of the antlers and of the number of tines. Normally a young stag will only grow a single spike as his first head. Antlers are cast in March/April and new ones grow immediately, covered in a furry velvet skin until the regrowth is completed about August. Stags in their winter coats also have a thick mane on their necks which is retained until the summer moult. Red stags are great wanderers and may be encountered anywhere in Essex, though the north west is the most likely part. Fallow Somewhat smaller than red, only standing about 3 feet at the shoulder, they occur in all colours from white (not necessarily albino) to black and this can cause confusion. In fact all the colour varieties are spotted but, with the black and white varieties, to see the spots you have to get closer than most wild deer will allow. The other two main colour varieties, common and menil, are heavily spotted in the summer but they are less noticeable in the winter