15 even more scope for confusion between a sika hind and a fallow doe unless they are seen clearly, Regrettably many identifications are made on the basis of a glimpse of an animal running away in thick cover. Sika are also a social animal and so herds can be encountered. Chinese Water Deer In size they are slightly larger than muntjac and normally the head is carried high and the back straight. No antlers are grown but canine tusks are more prominent than in muntjac. The coat colour is a light reddish brown and unspotted. The ears are a prominent feature and seem very large for the head size. There is no white caudal patch and the tail is not usually noticed. The above is, of necessity, a very brief guide to some of the main points to watch for when trying to identify deer. Prospective deer watchers would be well advised to visit deer parks, wildlife parks and zoos to see the animals at close quarters, observe the features indicated and to compare and contrast the different species. This will be difficult for roe as they are not usually kept in captivity. The author is only aware of one park in East Anglia which contains roe and they are rarely visible to the public. B. D. Eastcott