22 nature has not yet given up the fight and that Essex botanists can still make exciting finds within the county. Looking at the list of the 87 in detail, we are in many cases at a loss to know just how many of their localities are still extant. Of the 87 at least 26 are only known from one site, or within a single 1 x 1 km square. How many sites can we now amass for Triglochin palustris, or the Early Marsh Marsh Orchid, for example ? Does anyone know of a site for Crossuort other than the one by Howe Wood Chalk Pit ? How many sites are left for Apium inundatum outside Epping Forest 7 Are the two plants of Dianthus armeria at Benfleet really the only two left in the county 7 Does Ranunculus fluitans now occur anywhere else other than in the Cam just south of Great Chesterford ? Indeed, how long will it be before Thalictrum flavum (Meadow Rue) and Helianthemum chamaecislus (Rockrose) have to be added to the list! If you can answer any of these questions, or have any records of plants on any of these lists, please let us have specific details so that some sort of strategy can be worked out to save some of them before they become extinct in Essex. PLANTS, OTHER THAN THOSE IN THE NATIONAL RED DATA BOOK OF VASCULAR PLANTS THAT OCCUR IN THREE OR LESS 1 x 1 km SQUARES IN ESSEX OR ONE OF ITS V.c's. Aceras anthropophorum Geum rivale Thalictrum minus Acinos arvensis ? Gnaphalium sylvaticum Thelypteris Agrimonia procera (1) ? Gymnadenia conopsea palustris Alopecurus bulbosus Helleborus viridis ? Thalspi alliaceum Althaea officinalis (1) Hordelymus europaeus (1) Thymus pulegioides Anagalis tenella Hydrocharis morsus-ranae (1) Tordylium maximum Apium inundatum Hypericum elodes (1) Trifolium scabrum Blysmus compressus (1) Jasione montana (1) T. suffocatum (1) ? Botrychium lunaria Juncus kockii Triglochin Brachypodium pinnatum J. tenuis palustris Carex echinata Lathraea squamaria Ulex minor C. elata (1) Lathyrus hirsutus Utricularia C. laevigata Lepidium perfoliatum (1) neglecta 7 C. rostrata Limonium binervosum ? Valerianella Centaurium pulchellum (1) Linum bienne carinata ? Centaurea Cyathus Luzula forsteri ? V. dentata ? Ceterach officinalis Lycopodium clavatum (1) Vicia bithynica ? Crithmum maritimum Menyanthes trifoliata Viola palustris(1) Dactylorchis incarnata Monotropa hypopitys (1?) Vulpia Dactylorchis ericetorum Ophrys insectifera (1) membranacea Dianthus armeria (1) Orobanche crenata (1 ) Drosera intermedia (1) Pedicularis sylvatica D. rotundifolia ? Polygonum minus (1) ? Eleocharis quinqueflora (1) P. rurivagum Please send your Epipactis palustris (1) Polypogon monspeliensis records to: Erica tetralix ? Potamogeton compressus Ken Adams Eriophorum angustifolium P. obtusifolius (1?) 63 Wroths Path ? Euphorbia paralias P. pusillus Baldwins Hill Festuca juncifolla Potentilla palustris (1) Loughton Frankenia laevis Pyrola rotundifolia ESSEX IG10 1SH Fritillaria meleagris Radiola linoides (1) ? Fumaria densiflora Ranunculus fluitans Galium cruciata (1?) ? Sagina maritima by the end of Genista anglica (V.c.19) Scilla autumnalis (1) 1983 so that a Gentianella amarella agg. Sonchus palustris (1)introd. definitive list Geum x intermedium Symphytum tuberosum can be compiled. Ken Adams