23 Report of the Bird Group 1982-1983 Once again the Bird Group of the Essex Field Club has enjoyed another year of good field meetings. In the summer months, several meetings were held in woodland habitat in the centre of the county which enabled members to learn their warbler songs, willow warbler, Chiffchaff, blackcap, garden warbler, the white throats etc. These are always interesting meetings because more birds are heard than seen and it is the writer's opinion that bird identification by sound rather than sight is far more satisfying. Several of these meetings were led by Dr. Chris Shennan, who was an expert on bird song, and the Group would like to thank Chris for his expertise on all branches of natural history. Chris, as you all know, has regrettably left Essex for a post in Cheshire and we wish him every good fortune up north. In the middle of the summer, Michael Parker led a field meeting down on the Thames Estuary. We do not have many coastal meetings in summer and it did prove a little disappointing- most waders have, of course, left the county for more northern breeding areas and very little was seen. Also in July, Michael Parker took members to a location in the centre of the county one evening to hear nightjars churring - an evocative and increasingly rare sound in southern Britain these days . Spring and Autumn continues to find the Group on the coast to record passage migrants and we have been lucky to see some of the rarer coastal birds which pass along the East Coast. Birds such as