28 John Skinner informs me that he made two new County records for the crustose lichens Arthonia lurida and Pertusaria leioplaca on the smooth bark of sweet chestnut trees. Tony Boniface The Influence of Geology on Slopes and the Problems of Road Building in the Weald of Kent. 26th June, 1983 From Sevenoaks Station the party proceeded to Panthurst Farm lay-by on the Sevenoaks By-Pass (A 21). At this site several lobes of debris (solifluction lobes) caused by a shallow form of landsliding in cold, wet conditions when glaciers occupied more northerly parts of Britain were pointed out. The original line of the A 21 was indicated, passing over 7 out of the 8 lobes in the area. During construction of the road the workings caused 2 of the slides to be reactivated. As a consequence, the road had to be re-aligned off the lobes and a bridge re-constructed to accommodate the new line of the road, at great expense. At St. Julian's Farm, a lobe was examined in more detail and it was seen that not only was the lobe subject to gross movement as a unit, but that parts of the surface of the lobe were subject to localised movement also, as occurred naturally in the earlier part of this century. After lunch the party visited High Rocks, Tunbridge Wells. Here Tunbridge Wells Sandstone was noted to be resting on clay which provided an unstable base. As a consequence, the sandstone has broken into large blocks which have slipped apart on the