1 EDITORIAL Our 1984 programme is well under way and I am conscious of the fact that I meet the same people out of our total membership of 369 at our outings and lectures. Despite maintaining the total numbers fewer of you are attending our activities. We would like to know why. Is it that travelling costs are keeping you away or are we organising the wrong sort of meetings, or are they in the wrong places at the wrong times? Please write and let me know so that we can make any necessary changes for next years programme. Once again I would like to thank those of you who have written articles. Also thanks to Joanna Foley for the cover and illustrations and to Sue Boniface for typing this edition. Sadly, as many of you will know, one of our most distinguished members has died recently. It is with deep regret that I have to report the death of Laurence Harley aged 81, who joined the Essex Field Club in 1924. Please note the changed arrangements for this year's Fungus Foray resulting from Geoffrey Kibby's forthcoming marriage and departure to America. We offer him our best wishes for the future and thank him for his work as recorder for fungi. Please let me have articles for the next edition by 1st October 1984. ISSN 0264-6730 Tony Boniface