12 catch fledglings, adult birds and small mammals, while the numbers that regularly catch such prey are much smaller (see table). Consequently the impact of even our well- fed house cats of today cannot be ignored on our Essex wildlife. ROGER TABOR Roger Tabor was a major contributor to the BBC1 OED programme "A Walk on the Wildside'" (16th May 1984) and author of a recently published book "The Wildlife of the Domestic Cat" (Arrow pbk, £3.95). References: Langley, ?. & Yalden, D. (1977) 'The Decline of the Rarer carnivores in Great Britain during the 19th century'. Mammal Review. 7: 3/4, 95-116. Murray, M. (1921) 'The Witch Cult of Western Europe'. (Oxford). (For further references and reading see author's book above.) ESSEX RED DATA PLANTS CORRECTION TO ARTICLE IN LAST EDITION The references to Alopecurus bulbosus should have read Poa bulbosa. KEN ADAMS