15 Then one day last October the bombshell fell. I received a phone call from the Police. Three men had been apprehended in an Essex wood in which there was thought to be an active badger sett. Could I verify that there was a badger sett in the wood? The men were subsequently charged under the Badger Act with "Attempting to take badger". This started alarm bells ringing and the Mammal Society Survey Area was immediately increased to include the affected 10 km square. Dennis Kell and Paul Skinner (Mammal Group Committee Members) and their "other halves" Anne Hughes and Chris Skinner visited all 58 recorded setts in 4 weekends. To our horror one in every five setts had been dug into. The number of active or occupied setts had fallen by 50%. A suspicious pit, believed to have been constructed for baiting purposes was found in secluded woodland. The Essex Naturalist Trust were informed and sent out several Press Releases on the subject. The result was a flood of information about diggers seen at setts, or men with terriers in woods where searches have revealed previously unrecorded setts. The Essex Naturalist Trust Badger Group has been launched in an attempt by concerned naturalists to do something. The attendant publicity has brought yet more information on diggers and baiting. What you may ask is going on? Basically badgers are taken from their setts by men who first send in small terriers which, when they locate a