18 parked vehicles. Later let E.N.T. HQ at Fing ringhoe know. Get to know your local setts and report to the Trust if one has been dug or of you see enything suspicious. Paul Skinner, convener of the Badger Group, would be delighted to hear from anyone prepared to take an ACTIVE ROLE in the Groups activities. The aims and objectives of the Group will be sent on request. Please enclose a S.A.E. PAUL SKINNER HIDE AND SEEK '. In the Essex Field Club, as in many Natural History Societies, birds are more enthusiastically studied by the membership than are mammals. One reason is doubtless that birds are diurnal and relatively easy to observe, whilst we get scarcely more than an occasional glimpse of the shy mammals. However, the keen naturalist, with a little help and encourage- ment will undoubtedly find an unexpectedly interesting field of study in our mammalian fauna. Because our sightings of mammals are often so brief, it is important to know the field signs indicating the animals presence. From these signs considerable information can be