20 mammalogist is a book in the Spotters Guide series called "Animals, Tracks and Signs" (Osbourne) which deals with most vertebrates and has sections on mammals and is especially good value at £1.25. For the naturalist with a wide range of interests the standard field guide - "Mammals of Britain and Europe" (Collins) is probably one of the most useful general field books on British Mammals. It has detailed descriptions of each species with notes on the life histories, and has a useful section on skulls and bones. The latest edition is an improvement on the earlier ones. Armed with plenty of tracks and signs from a "beast" and a good field manual, you may still find it difficult to confidently identify your mammal as juveniles complicate measurements and mixed tracks and signs confuse the evidence. However, take heart, you will soon gain expertise in deciphering the information and members of the mammal group will always be willing to help you where possible. Please do record as many details as you can and pass on this information for our records. Good luck and good hunting! FIONA HUGHES AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES This article is a summary of records received during the period 1981 - 1983.