22 THE COMMON TOAD (Bufo bufo). The South West of the County seems to be the toads strongest area, Epping Forest especially but records come in from the London area as far into the town as Dalston E8 where the writer saw 40 adult toads of various sizes, in 1978, evidently imprisoned in a walled-in garden. Wanstead and Woodford produce numerous records of small groups of toads spawning in garden ponds. Toad spawn was reported at Hadleigh near Southend by Mr John Dobson in April 1981. One adult toad in a garden pond in Colchester was reported by Colchester Museum in March 1981. SMOOTH OR COMMON NEWT (Triturus vulgaris) Philip Pearce and Charles Collins reported catching 31 smooth newts at Bradwell on Sea disused sewage works in April 1981. John Dobson's report in May 1981 included several newts seen at Rayleigh Mount. A number of other records are on hand but some doubt exists as to the exact identification of the species. Mr Cloutman again records Common Newts breeding in his garden pond in Prospect Road, Woodford Green. Common Newts frequently occur in Epping Forest ponds and appear well distributed in that area . PALMATE NEWT (Triturus helveticus) . Records are still scarce, due no doubt to difficulty in identification especially of the females. This was the dominant species in Epping Forest Earls Path Pond when dipping in April 1981 (see earlier report) when 12 adults were recorded.