23 CRESTED NEWT (Triturus cristatus). Now a protected species this newt seems to be in decline. Records are few in recent years. Mr Pettit records the newt at Great Baddow in 1981 and I have again seen it in the cellar of a farmhouse at Abbess Roding where numerous half grown newts can be seen on the damp brick floor. They appear to get trapped in the cellar and always seem unable to escape. There are normally 12 or 15 seen on each visit but I have never found an obvious breeding site nearby. COMMON LIZARD (Lacerta vivipara). Formerly common in Epping Forest this lizard has declined here due to the more overgrown state of the Forest. Records are more frequent from the sea wall areas where the habitat is ideal. John Dobson reports them in 1981 from Bradwell, Rayleigh and Wickford. Colchester Museum reported a Lizard at Alresford near Thorrington Mill in April 1981. I recorded 2 adult lizards on the sea wall at Peldon in May 1982. Road verges were a source of records but the advent of hydramowing must have had its affect. The Trust reserves and sea wall areas of Essex are the main habitats at present. SLOW WORM (Anguis fragilis). The Slow Worm is fairly widespread in Essex and records often come from churchyards and garden compost heaps where conditions are damper. The reptile is common on the railway embankment at Ongar and local cats often bring them home. John Dobson reports 2 seen at Wickford in May 1981 and I saw 2 in a compost heap at Peldon in