24 August 1983. Other records recently sent in from Witham, Margaretting and Great Waltham. GRASS SNAKE (Natrix natrix). This snake occurs in Epping Forest and surrounding areas. Recently seen by myself at Galleyhill, Waltham Abbey and in the Lea Valley Regional Park fish lakes at Nazeing (July 1983) Few records have come in this year so far. THE ADDER (Vipera berus). The Adder still appears in the quieter parts of Epping Forest, the sea wall areas of Essex and some of the Trust Reserves. John Dobson reports one seen at Stock in April 1981 and 8 at Danbury in the same month. I recorded one on the sea wall at Peldon in May 1982. I would like to thank those who have sent in records and request any more that you can send for the current year please. In the event of difficulty in identification of specimens please do not hesitate to contact me - Telephone Chelmsford 361475. DAVID SCOTT BOOK REVIEW "A PROVISIONAL ATLAS OF THE AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES OF ESSEX" Essex Biological Records Centres Publication No. 2. Editor - Colin Plant This is the second of a series of booklets the first of which was for the butterflies.