25 The book provides an excellent source of inform- ation about the species which have been found in the County and should provide a sound base for future workers to expand on. Unfortunately it is unwise to draw too many conclusions from the maps about the distribution of species at present. Rather they show the areas in which most recording has been carried out. I hope that it will inspire many more people to collect records of these animals and supply them to Colin Plant at the Passmore Edwards Museum, Romford Road, Stratford, London, E15, or to David Scott the Recorder of Reptiles and Amphibians of the Field Club. TONY BONIFACE ORNITHOLOGICAL RECORDS 1983 The following interesting records have been received during 1983. JANUARY 1/1/83 Female Hen Harrier - Old Hall Marshes. I.P.M 2/1/83 Female Hen Harrier, Ruddy Duck, Goosander - Abberton Reservoir. I.P.M, 7/1/83 Bewick Swans, Ruddy Duck, Female Smew - Old Hall Marshes. W.A.C. 17/1/83 Red Throated Diver, Short Eared Owl - Bradwell. W.A.C,