26 18/1/83 Barn Owl - Fingringhoe Nature Reserve I.P.M. 19/1/83 Red Crested Pochard - Abberton Reservoir I.P.M. 27/1/83 Ruff - Hanningfield Reservoir W.A.C. FEBRUARY 11/2/83 Grey Wagtail - Ingatestone R.A.M. and Sewage Farm. W.A.C. 19/2/83 Female Hen Harrier - Abberton Reservoir. I.P.M. 20/2/83 Purple Sandpiper, Snow Bunting - Holland Haven I.P.M. 21/2/83 Green Sandpiper - Hythe- Rowhedge Marsh. I.P.M. 22/2/83 Great Northern Diver, Red Throated Diver - Hythe Rowhedge Marsh. I.P.M. Gadwall, Pintail, Red Breasted Merganser, Goosander (male and female) Essex Field Old Hall Marshes. Club 25/2/83 Female Sparrow Hawk - Fingringhoe Nature Reserve. I.P.M. 26/2/83 Cock Brambling - Ingatestone. R.A.M. From 17/1/83 to 27/2/83 Chaffinches were in full song in various places in Ingatestone.