32 28/11/83 Blackcap - Ingatestone R.A.M. DECEMBER 4/12/83 American Wigeon - Heybridge Gravel Pits. I.P.M. 11/12/83 Pintail - Hanningfield Reservoir. R.A.M. 22/12/83 Jack Snipe, Grey Wagtail - Ingatestone Sewage Farm. R.A.M. OTHER NOTES 1. Mr Gudgion of Harlow Common reports that Kingfishers have returned to the Roding at Stanford Rivers. They have not been recorded for some 2 years. He has also reported Little Ringed Plover nesting in the Harlow area. 2. There have been no reports of Nightjars from the usual Essex locality. 3. Hobby - reported again from an Essex locality. 4. A number of instances of late broods of Blackbirds and Song Thrushes have been received. A Black Bird was seen feeding a young fledgling as late as August 15th and it is thought that this bird reared at least 4 broods. I would like to thank all Members who have sent in records; and also for their assistance at Meetings. Records are always welcome, and the interesting ones published. The following have sent me records:-