33 I.P. Misselbrook, R. Matthews, S. Wood, R. Neave, A. Gudgion, W.A. Carter, J. Friedlein, MICHAEL PARKER OSPREY SITING On May 7th 1984 an Osprey was seen at approximately 11.00 am near Little Leighs (Grid reference 182709). It was perched on a dead branch of an Oak tree, peering at some- thing it was holding in its feet. In the evening I returned and looked under the tree where I found parts of a fish including a fin. The bird was also seen on the reservoirs nearby. JULIAN SCOTT SECRETARY'S REPORT FOR 1983 The Council of the Club met four times during 1983. Early in the year the General Secretary, Dr. Chris Shennan, moved to Cheshire and the post was taken over by Mrs. Sheila Leswell. Membership stood at 361 on 31st December, 1983, this number including 32 new members. There were 35 resignations. The Annual General Meeting was held in March and the President, Mr. Tony Boniface, talked about the flowering plants of Newland Grove, which is a Nature Reserve near Chelmsford.