34 Thirty three meetings were arranged by the Club during the year, 9 of these being General Meetings. There were 6 indoor meetings, and speakers included Mr. Roger Lunn talking about Herbs, Mr. Geoffrey Pyman on Nature Reserves in Essex and Dr. David Corke on Butterflies and Moths The Bird Group arranged 9 meetings and the Geology Group 2. The 5 meetings arranged by the Mammal Group included a visit to see farm animals at Hayes Farm, Waltham Abbey, a red squirrel watch in Norfolk and an evening bat netting. The Botany Group held 7 meetings, including an interesting day in London's East End, where several unusual plants were recorded. Number 7 in the Essex Naturalist series, 'Lords Bushes . The History and Ecology of an Epping Forest Woodland' by M.W. Hanson, was published at the end of the year, edited by Dr. D. Corke. Two more issues of the Essex Field Club Bulletin were published, edited by Mr. Tony Boniface. In 1983 The Field Club won first prize of £100 in the Essex Archaeological and Historical Congress Amenity Award Scheme for Col. Maitland Emmet's 'The Smaller Moths of Essex'. This is the second time we have won this award; the previous time was for 'Deer of Essex' by the late Dr. Donald Chapman. SHEILA LESWELL