37 BOXING DAY RAMBLE Seventeen brave Members and friends gathered at the Lodge gates of Copped Hall for the start of the Ramble. It was cold and rather windy as we crossed the bridge over the M.25 and walked up to the Hall, but in the lanes after this we were sheltered from the wind. After looking at the Hall for a short while and discussing the history, the party then walked down to Copthall Green, where four of the party took the short route back to their car. The rest of us continued through quiet lanes past Obelisk Farm, so named for the monument to Queen Boadicea in a field there. This can only be seen from a distance, although there are others in the area. Unfortunately we had to sit on a bridge for lunch, there being no convenient hostelry. We then continued along green lanes across the Ridgepast Parvills and then back across fields to Copthall Green. This area is well populated with deer and we could clearly see their slots in the soft earth. We finished our walk by going under the M.25 and up through the Selvedge to the lodge gates. By now the weather had brightened considerably and what with that and the weight of mud on our feet, we were all glowing when we got to our cars. A most enjoyable day and I did justice to my Boxing Day tea as I hope did the rest of the party. MAUREEN TOLLFREE BIRD GROUP MEETING AT HOLLAND HAVEN - 15th January 1984 About a dozen hardy souls endured the strong biting westerly winds to view the specialities this remote corner of N.E. Essex has to offer.