40 BIRD GROUP MEETING AT OLD HALL MARSHES, TOLLESBURY - 25th March. 1984 Eighteen Members assembled at 11 am at the appointed map reference on a cold, grey, and cloudy day. We were lucky however in that the rain came by the end of the Meeting. Four brave Members did the long walk around the Marsh towards Salcot. As we walked down to the Marsh a Song Thrush was heard singing in a nearby cottage garden; a welcome to the first day of Summer time!! It was not long before we saw a field with a considerable number of Brent Geese -- one Member estimated that there were over a thousand. Before taking lunch in the shelter of the seawall, we had seen a large number of Grey Plover, Redshanks, Dunlin, and a very good view of a Black Tailed Godwit in Summer plumage. Ducks seen were, Teal, Gadwall, Wigeon, Tufted Duck and Pochard. Some were in flight and good views were seen of them as they passed over us. Other birds of note recorded were Meadow Pipit, Skylark, a small flock of Stock Dove, a few Oyster Catchers and Carrion Crows. At one place on the seawall Coltsfoot was out in flower. Twenty seven species were recorded, a good total for a raw and cold day. Old Hall Marshes in spite of this always proves to be a good location for a meeting. I am very grateful to the four Members, W.A. Carter, R. Matthews, M. Frisby and P. Exley, who completed the long trek in very bad conditions and have supplied the following additional records