1 EDITORIAL One fact emerged from my request for reasons for our smaller numbers attending meetings and that was the need for some half-day meetings. We have tried to include some in next year's programme. I would like to thank all the contributors who have written articles for this bulletin, and also Joanna Foley for the illustrations and Sue Boniface for doing the typing. Please let me have articles for the next edition by 1st May 1985. ISSN 0264-6730 TONY BONIFACE Information from the General Secretary:- Mrs Sheila Leswell 19 Church Road Mountnessing Brentwood Essex Telephone Ingatestone. 353917 PRINCIPAL CONTENTS Bats in Essex Dragonflies of Essex - A Progress Report Fleas in Essex Bee Flies Sexton Beetles Essex Bryophyte Records John Dobson Ted Benton Phil Withers D A Smith Ian McClenaghan Ken Adams