16 Further Reading C.O. Hammond, The Dragonflies of Great Britain and Ireland, 2nd Ed., revised R. Merritt (1983), Harley Books, Colchester. (By far the best identification-guide and source of relevant information for the beginner and specialist alike). C. Longfield, The Dragonflies of the British Isles 1937 and 1949, Warne, London and New York. (Classic work, unfortunately now out of print). P.S. Corbet, C. Longfield and N.W. Moore, Dragonflies, 1960, London, Collins, New Naturalist Series. (Another classic work - shortly to be available again). P.S. Corbet, A Biology of Dragonflies, 1962,. Witherby, facsimile reprint by E.W. Classey, 1983. D. Chelmick, C.Hammond, N. Moore, A. Stubbs, The Conservation of Dragonflies, N.C.C. booklet, 1980. On Essex Dragonflies, see; E.E. Syms, 'Some Biological Notes on Dragonflies', The Essex Naturalist, Vol. 22, 1926-9, pp. 292-7. C. Longfield, 'The Dragonflies of the London Area' The London Naturalist, Vol. 28 pp 80 - 98. T. Benton, 'Dragonflies of Essex', The Essex Field Club Bulletin, No. 26, Autumn 1982. T. Benton and R.G. Payne, 'On the Rediscovery of Lestes dryas (Kirby 1980) ....', Journal of the British Dragonfly Society, Vol. 1, No. 2, Nov. 198 3.