28 NATURAL HISTORY NOTES FROM NORTH FAMBRIDGE - 1984 Mr. J. Friedlein who joined the Club before 1966, always sends me some interesting records from North Fambridge. I am very grateful for the following: JULY 22nd, 1984. WHIMBREL reported North Fambridge. These birds are passage migrants - Spring passage at peak April/May and Autumn - July/August. Not so many have been reported seen this July. AUGUST 14th, 1984. PIED FLYCATCHER - A male and female seen North Fambridge. Small numbers are reported each year in Spring and Autumn. Mr. Friedlein also has reported ELEPHANT HAWK MOTH caterpillar feeding on Fuschia sp plants in a garden near North Fambridge. These caterpillars usually use Rose-Bay Willowherb as their food. A number of years ago I took some of these caterpillars off Fuschia sp plants in Ingatestone. Perhaps other Members may like to comment on this record. MICHAEL PARKER RESULTS OF COMPETITION The best answers to the competition came again from Mrs. Ruth Phillips, to whom a £5 Book Token will be sent. The correct answers are as follows: 1) Canine disobedience Dog Rose 2) Kermits nephew Little Robin 3) Sheeps offspring Ramsons 4) Editor with a sting Betony