30 After parking their cars near the Shell house the party crossed the newly raised lake dam, where beginners were introduced to Bryum bicolor sensu stricto with its large axillary bulbils; and in a damp area at the other end of the dam Calliergon (Acrocladium) cuspidatum, Eurhynchium swartzii, and Cratoneuron filicinum - the latter two being characteristic of calcareous habitats. The remnants of the old elder thicket by the 'Fly Beater' were systematically searched for epiphytes. Unfortunately we were unable to find any Orthotrichum lyellii or Cryphaea heteromalla which now seem to be truly extinct in the Forest, and throughout most of Essex, due to atmospheric pollution. Small patches of Zygodon viridissimus, Orthotrichum diaphanum and Metzgeria furcata were found on these trees however, together with more extensive growths of Dicranoweisia cirrata and Bryum capillare. A rewarding find for beginners was a carpet of Fissidens exilis, so minute it is seldom recorded unless in fruit, but an exquisite object under a lens. Making our way across the wide grassy - but rather parched - rides to the recently coppiced Elgin Coppice, where little of interest was evident, the party crossed into Spittlemore Coppice, the south-east corner of which had just been coppiced, and large numbers of Herb Paris plants were found just emerging from the earth. Here an extensive carpet of Fissidens incurvus, virtually identical to F . bryoides but with an inclined, as opposed to a vertical, capsule was found on a bare clay boundary bank. Moving further north into the damp woodland, seepage spreads on this flat Boulder Clay plateau give rise to suitable conditions for patches of both Pellia endiviifolia, typical of calcareous Boulder Clay, and P. epiphylla