32 confirmed the Garden Warbler. Later in the day we were able to hear a Blackcap but not a typical one, as its repertoire had a bit of Song Thrush in it: A few Nightingales were heard and it was noticeable that there did not seem 'to be so many as previous years. Common Whitethroat and Lesser Whitethroat were both heard and seen. Other Warblers heard were Chiff Chaff and Willow Warbler. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker and Green Woodpecker were heard near the car-park, and elsewhere in the wood. We were also able to see our first Swift, and a Spotted Flycatcher. By the end of the day our count was 40 different birds. The Meeting was memorable for the very numerous Garden Warblers as opposed to Black Caps. The Botanists in the party were able to record 46 different plants. Some interesting Butterflies were seen, including Orange-tip and Peacock. Most Members agreed that this wood is a place to be visited each year. MIKE PARKER BIRD GROUP MEETING AT MILL GREEN 20th May, 1984 Fourteen Members attended this Meeting on a grey, damp and continuously rainy day. There was no let-up and as a result we all got slightly damp! However, we were rewarded with some good views of Garden Warblers and also we were able to compare their song with that of the Blackcap. It would appear that Garden Warblers out- numbered Blackcaps. Another interesting record was of a Nightingale. (Map reference 634 103 - Cock Lane) (Also heard singing by M. Parker on