33 18th May, 1984) This was a welcome return to this spot - the first since 1980. In this same area we saw a large flock of Tree Sparrows and once again their call was clear and contrasted with the House Sparrow. Birds not recorded this year were the Chiff Chaff and Tree Pipit. This probably reflected the poor weather and also that we were restricted in our search. The Botanists present kept an eye out for unusual plants, one being Bitter Vetch (Lathyrus montanus). A few deer slots were also seen. After lunch in the Parish Room we had our AGM, and a report of the mornings meeting. A total of 32 species were either heard or seen. MIKE PARKER BOTANY GROUP MEETING AT WATER HALL MEADOW AND BLAKES WOOD, LITTLE BADDOW - 27th May, 1984 ~ The weather forecast was for rain all day, but in practice there was negligible rain, although it had been raining all night. Six of us met at the ford in Little Baddow. Geoffrey Pyman, the person mainly responsible for Water Hall Meadow becoming an Essex Naturalist's Trust reserve, outlined its recent history. He then conducted us round this delightful small meadow, a remnant of what was once extensive meadows each side of Sandon Brook, which runs along one side of the reserve. The most obvious