37 Turning left into Dunmey Lane we followed the bridleway through Dumney Lane Wood where the remains of brickworks were seen. The centre post hole was seen where a donkey was used to tread the clay and the well for the required water was also visible. The remains of the Kilns were not found. We took lunch in a sunny glade in the wood before walking back down the lane towards Broadfields. Turning right onto the footpath leading past a man made fish pond we met the road again and returned to the Church vi Rectory Lane and the Barn Hall. Tea was taken at Court Hill. The birds were quiet with little song but several species were noted and I am indebted to Michael Parker for his list of those seen:- Swallow Mistle Thrush House Martin Starling Swift Linnet Blackcap Kestrel Willow Warbler Great Tit Chiff Chaff Blue Tit Bullfinch Turtle Dove Greenfinch Wood Pigeon Wren Collared Dove Dunnock Red Poll Carrion Crow Rook Coot Tree Sparrow Mallard House Sparrow Skylark Common Whitethroat Robin Moorhen Song Thrush Blackbird This is a quiet time of the year for birds. Some Warblers were heard especially Blackcap. In one place a Chiff Chaff was heard. There were few Willow Warblers and only one Whitethroat. This year there seem to be few Swallows, House