38 Martins and Swifts. This may be fairly general throughout Essex. Some interesting plants were noted and thanks to Tony Boniface for recording them:- BY ROADSIDES IN WOODLAND Spindle Tree Hairy St. John's Wort Dogwood Three-veined Sandwort Dog Rose (Rosa canina Hairy Woundwort group) Wood Sedge Downy Rose (Rosa Pendulous Sedge tomentosa group) White Bryony Hop Wood Poa Dove's-foot Crane's -Bill Spurge Laurel Creeping Cinquefoil IN FIELDS BY FOOTPATH Field Penny Cress Black Bryony Field Pansy Yellow Oat-Grass IN CHURCHYARD BY STREAM Large Thyme Water Figwort (Only a small amount of this very rare Essex plant is left which is in urgent need of protection from FUNGI churchyard gardeners) Pleurotus cornucopiae MOSSES (a relation of Oyster Common Woodland Species Mushroom) Mnium hornum Polyporus squamosus Plagiomnium undulatum (Dryad's Saddle) Agaricus xanthodermus (Yellow staining Mushroom) DAVID SCOTT