39 MAMMAL GROUP BAT NETTING - 6th July, 1984 8pm Sixteen Members and friends met at Court Hill, Little Leighs at 8 O'clock and walked to the north end of Leez Reservoirs. Bats were seen flying over a small pond by the Clubhouse and generally over the edges of the Reservoir Two groups set-up bat nets in the clearing behind the tree-lined water's edge and listened for approaching bats using bat detectors. The bats were swept with nets when actually seen and some were caught, namely three Pipistrelles; these were flying low enough to net. However, another species, the Serotine, was identified in flight with the bat detector, but was too high to net; three were recorded. A third species, the Noctule was thought to be present, one was seen flying very high and in view of its straight flight seemed to be correctly identified. The water certainly attracted insects for the bats to hunt and the open nature of the Leez Reservoirs made them easy to see. It was agreed that the meeting had been successful and should be repeated next year. DAVID SCOTT GENERAL MEETING AT SKIPPERS ISLAND - 8th June, 1984 -- LEADER LT. COL. HARRY HAWKES The party arrived on the island with the aid of a ferry skippered by the warden on this splendid summer day. Large quantities of Hog's Fennel (Peucedanum officinale) were seen in flower as well as Dyer's Greenweed (Genista tinctoria). The crimson flowers of Grass Vetchling (Lathyrus nissolia) attracted our attention at lunch. As